Contact Us
My name is Erik Mace. A little about me.
Even before I met the Reids, I was a train fan. As a child, I recall working outside with my father and he’d hear a train whistle in the distance, round up my brothers and I and hurry off to the Brookfield (WI) depot to watch the Milwaukee Road or Amtrak rush past. He’d always know which one it would be based off the sound of the whistle or the time, and he was right 90% of the time.
We got to know the Reids through our church. At first they hired me to be their “lawn care boy.” Knowing that I was also a fan of trains, Gil often shared his stories or invited me in to take a peek at his newest painting in progress. Our families became close and we’d help him out with his booth at the Milwaukee TrainFest every year.
After going away to college, I longed to stay in touch with the Reid family and offered to build him a website where he could share his works with the world. It took a while to explain and get them to understand the concept, but after a bit of prodding and assurances that it would benefit him, he let me do it.
After finishing college and moving to Oregon, I continued to donate my time to maintain his website and pass on any orders that come in through the internet. I am ‘greeted’ by Gil every day as my office is lined with his work, including a one-of-a-kind original painting of the Brookfield Depot which, being far away from ‘home’ keeps me close to my roots.
As his health failed him, Gil handed over the print business to my father, Richard Mace. Our good friend recently passed away and he will be missed. My father and I intend to work to keep Gil’s spirit alive though the legacy he left behind, his artwork.
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Mailing Address:
Gil Reid RR Artwork
19065 Lothmoor Dr. Lower
Brookfield, WI 53045
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